Why piano is to be tuned to A440?

Your piano is designed to sound its best when tuned to A-440. At this pitch, power and tonal range are optimum and your piano will match the pitch of other instruments.
By always maintaining your piano at standard pitch, you create long-term tuning stability because the strings and structure stay in equilibrium. You also ensure proper ear training because you always hear your music in the correct key.


Chinese Version (中文版)


湯 先生/ Mr. Tong
英國註冊鋼琴技師 / Registered Piano Technician (MPTA)
Mobile / Whatsapp: 6304 4081
Website: www.tongtuning.com
Blog: www.tongtuning.com/wordpress
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Piano.Technician.HK
YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/tongtuning
Instagram: http://instagram.com/Piano_Technician

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